1. 🛏WAKE UP EALRY: I know, winter makes you want to just slam that snooze button and sleep in as long as you can... but... the earlier you get up the more productive you can be!! I tend to get so much more done when I wake up earlier, so stop that alarm instead of snoozing and shoot for some goals to achieve to get more done!
2. 📚PRIORITISE AND PLAN: I love using my diary to sort out my month ahead, and I fill in any appointments, exams, events or anything that pops up to keep my self organised and accountable!! If you don’t do this, get yourself a diary (there like $5 from Kmart) and start planning ahead and you’ll thank me later
3. 💦HYDRATE: this is something I’m working on... DRINKING MORE WATER!! It’s important to hydrate and I know we all forget, but if you carry a water bottle around with you, you’ll drink more and ur body will thank you
💖DO WHAT YOU LOVE / ENJOY: I personally love cooking, and creating new recipes and challenging myself in the kitchen. I also love singing, acting and hanging out with ma friends. Do what you love and enjoy yourself! -5. 🙌🏼BE CONFIDENT + POSITIVE:Being a teen, i sometimes care about what people think .. but I’m working on being CONFIDENT and POSITIVE and not caring so much about what others think. ACT CONFIDENT and NO ONE WILL QUESTION YOU